In the Valpolicella kitchen

In the Valpolicella kitchen

  • 2 nights in a double room with a rich breakfast buffet
  • 1 wine tasting of 3 of our wines (“Monte Costa” Valpolicella DOC Classico, “Mareno” Valpolicella Ripasso DOC Classico, “Marogne Tonde” Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Classico);
  • Cooking class with our Chefs with dinner and recipe book; The Course starts at 6.00 pm in our kitchen, where a traditional dinner will be prepared:
    homemade pasta, Neapolitan sauce and the classic Tiramisu (the menu may undergo small variations, depending on the season). The duration of the course is about an hour and a half. At the lesson will follow the dinner with dishes prepared plus a second of meat of our choice.

Total cost per person in low season Euro 160.00
Total cost per person in high season Euro 170.00

min 6 participants

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